Want To Make Literally Anyone Fall For You? Do These 5 Things

When I was in college, a close male friend and I were at a party looking at a group of attractive young women. 

He leaned toward me and whispered, "Bryan, don't you sometimes feel like you could make any woman in the world fall in love with you?" It was a memorable moment.

I had a hard time with girls. I thought that women were just hard to persuade. On top of that, I couldn't see what they saw in me. I thought it would always be hard to make a woman fall in love with me.

When someone loves you for who you really are, it's just awesome. We all want to love each other deeply, madly, and beautifully, so it makes sense that we all want to fall in love with each other.

1. Be authentic and vulnerable

True closeness can only happen when people are open and honest about who they are.

2. Practice radical acceptance

Because it's exhausting, we all want to be accepted for who we are. When I show a lady that I can hold her in all her states—sweetness, fury, admiration, impatience, smiles, and tears—she can't help but adore me.

3. Connect to his/her heart

The real source of a man's power is neither his brains nor his balls. He really wants it. If he only lives from his brain or his feelings, he can't fully accept a woman and all the different ways she can show how she feels.

4. Be confident sexually

Oh, the shame and confusion about sexuality that are still so common in our world today. Throughout most of my life, I wasn't always sure what to do with the wildfire-like sexual desires that would run through my body.

5. Have patience

"More than showing a woman I won't force her to do something before she's ready, nothing says "I am a safe, strong place for you to unwind when you're tired."

