The Most Fascinating Forests In The World

Daintree National Park

The leaves of the Australian fan palm, which is native to northern Queensland, grow up to six feet (2m) long to form a near-perfect circle.


Unusually, the branches of the hundred beech trees in the Spanish forest of Otzarreta grow up rather than out.

White Mountain

Through purchases of private land, the act had, within a century, protected 49,700 square miles (80,000sq km) of forestland.

Eastern Sayan

A mountain range in the remote republic of Buryatia in southern Siberia, the Sayan once served as a border between Russia and Mongolia.

Rainbow Eucalyptus

The only eucalyptus species to grow in rainforests, the rainbow eucalyptus is native to Indonesia, the Philippines and New Guinea.


Relatively isolated, Irati’s environments range from forests to wetlands, and from subalpine meadows to Atlantic heaths.

Amazon Rainfores

Franciscan missionaries adopted a local Native American fever remedy made from the bark of a tree found in the cloud forests.

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