8 Travel Destinations Ethical Travelers Refuse To Visit

Ethical travelers avoid North Korea due to its severe human rights abuses and repressive regime.

North Korea

Locations that keep dolphins and other marine mammals in captivity for entertainment, like SeaWorld, are often boycotted.


Many avoid Myanmar due to the ongoing Rohingya crisis and widespread human rights violations.


Concerns about human rights issues, including the treatment of Uyghur Muslims, lead some travelers to boycott China.


Issues with human rights and the exploitation of local workers in the tourism industry deter ethical travelers.

The Maldives

The treatment of migrant workers and the city's environmental footprint cause many to avoid visiting.

Dubai, UAE

Some travelers boycott Cuba due to concerns about government oppression and lack of freedoms for the Cuban people.


Ethical travelers avoid destinations that promote trophy hunting and the exploitation of wildlife

Hunting Reserves In Africa

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