8 Leafy Options For Maximizing Vertical Space

 With its trailing vines, Philodendron varieties like Philodendron scandens or Philodendron hederaceum can climb or hang, making them ideal for vertical gardens.


Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is known for its trailing growth and can be trained to climb or cascade, making it a versatile choice for vertical spaces.


Similar to Pothos, Devil's Ivy has trailing vines that can climb or hang, adding greenery to walls or tall structures.

Devil's Ivy

English Ivy is a climbing vine that can be trained to grow vertically, creating a lush and textured backdrop

English Ivy

Spider plants produce long, arching leaves and are suitable for hanging baskets or vertical planters

Spider Plant

This succulent has trailing stems with bead-like leaves, making it a unique and space-saving option for vertical gardens.

String Of Pearls

Hoyas, such as Hoya carnosa, have vining habits and produce clusters of waxy flowers, adding beauty and vertical interest.


Monstera deliciosa is a climbing plant with large, perforated leaves that can be trained to climb walls or trellises.


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