8 Plants You Shouldn't Grow Next to Your House

Large Trees

Their roots can spread and potentially damage foundations, sewer lines, or driveways.

Invasive Plants

Species like bamboo or aggressive vines can spread rapidly and be difficult to control, causing structural damage or aesthetic issues.

Plants Requiring

High-maintenance plants that shed leaves, flowers, or seeds can clog gutters or create debris near your home.

Plants Prone to Pests

Some plants attract insects or rodents, which may then find their way into your home.

Plants with Thorns

These can be hazardous near walkways or windows, posing a risk of injury or obstruction.

High Water Needs

Overwatering can lead to moisture issues near the foundation, potentially causing mold or mildew problems.

Fragrant Plants

 Intensely fragrant plants near windows can be overwhelming or attract unwanted wildlife.

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